Vakka-Suomen Talohuolto joins PHM Group
PHM Finland Oy has acquired the share capital of Vakka-Suomen Talohuolto Oy.
Vakka-Suomen Talohuolto is a company founded in 1987 and operating in the Laitila area of Southwest Finland. The company provides property maintenance and outdoor maintenance services.
“We want to develop our operations and to ensure this we are joining a larger entity. The reform will give us more operational security, for example in terms of equipment, and we will also be able to provide our customers with a more versatile service in property maintenance,” says Jorma Suojanen from Vakka-Suomen Talohuolto.
Vakka-Suomen Talohuolto will continue to operate as part of the group under its own name and corporate identity.
For further information:
Kai Hintz, Operative Director, PHM Group, +358 10 270 8268, kai.hintz@phmgroup.com
Jorma Suojanen, Vakka-Suomen Talohuolto, +358 40 546 4544, jorma@vstalohuolto.fi